Friday, October 19, 2012

Fat Saturday

This past Saturday was a ride that I knew would be coming up in the fall and I wasn't going to miss it. Last years ride was a blast and I wanted to see if I could find some more winter riding spots. I had already missed two of Rora's soccer games this year due to bike races so I decided to go to her last game and then meet up with the group as soon as the game was over.
I parked at Lucky's 13 and gave Josh a call around 11:10. No answer, so I headed towards the river bottoms where I thought they might be. I called again when I got to Big River park and he answered and told me that they were under the 35E bridge. I hauled ass to get there as fast as possible to not slow down the group. When I arrived four people were already bailing because it was beyond there riding ability. I don't know what they expected from an adventure ride put on by a guy who goes by Death Rider.

We rode on rarely used walking trails, up steep hills, through mud and water, and down sketchy foot paths. The rain held off enough to keep things enjoyable, and before I knew it we were climbing the Lilydale Lungbuster and eating lunch.

We headed back down the hill and across the river into St. Paul for some river riding. I had ridden this area a few times before and need to make it a point to get out there more often. When it was all said in done we had 7 people remaining from the original 15 who started and myself. It was a good day to be outside when I normally would have looked at the forecast and just considered it a lost day.

Thanks again to Josh for putting this all together and providing food at the break! I know that he puts in a lot of time to find all these cool paths so that we can all go through it was as much "ease" as possible.
As I left Josh told me that he expects me to put on a ride in the future. That's a tall task to live up to. I'll have to see if I can find 20-25 miles worth of riding that doesn't cover any of the same ground. I have some ideas already... Think early March.

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