Monday, January 2, 2012

What's new for 2012?

I ended 2011 right. I started the day with a 55 mile road ride with some surprise gravel, got hammered drunk, and a cougar made a pass at me while my girlfriend was in the bathroom.

So how can I top this one day in 2012? I don't know, but maybe it'll all unfold in this blog.

On the 55 mile ride I got a flat tire from what appeared to be a rose thorn and had to break out my single speed wrench in order to take the rear tire off. It wasn't that difficult, but it is a pain in the ass to have to lug the wrench around in the back of my jersey pocket since I refuse to wear a hydration pack while road riding. So on Sunday I switch the the wheel set out on the Bianchi with my road bike that I hate. There are quick releases so if I have to change a flat it shouldn't take too much time or require me to have that wrench. The only problem so far is that it does not have a single speed hub on it. Not a huge deal, but I have to get some spacers for it. I messaged a guy that does some carbon work to see if he could make me some custom spacers (Lamest custom thing ever? Probably.) and he said that he could hook me up. I want them custom so that I only need two of them and they line the cog up perfectly. I also saw a clamp that you can buy that goes on each side of the cog that looked pretty cool. I may try that out if the carbon isn't cutting it.

Today I also decided that I am going to layoff Facebook for a while and do a little more on Twitter. My Twitter account (@Brett_100) has been pretty lame for the maybe year that I have had it. My main issue is status updates. I have relatives and people that I respect enough not to clutter up their feed with a bunch of updates and profanity. How long will I stay away? The Vegas sharps are setting the line at 20.5 days.

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