Monday, March 3, 2014

Back Underground

It has been a while since I was on a adventure ride so when D-Rider posted one up for Saturday morning I decided that I was going, even though I had been to this particular drain before.

We met at Hidden Falls part and made our way to the first drain. It was so cold outside. My face was frozen and my fingers were in great pain by the time we need to make our way down to the drain.
It was hard enough to get down to water level with all the snow, but doing it with a right hand that wasn't very functional made it worse. There came a point where I didn't feel safe continuing to descend while holding my bike, so I gave it a slight push and hoped that it would only slide for about 10 feet. It went about 30 and got a nice scrape on the seat tube. Not a big deal, that's why I have this bike. 
My hands somehow got colder and since I knew I couldn't be any help to the other guys I headed straight to the drain that I knew would be much warmer. Once I came around the corner this is what I saw:

Someone had dragged in some rocks so we used them to make the hole even bigger.

Once past the ice wall we saw these two guys guarding the drain. I have a feeling their not too picky about who they let pass by.

This was one of the better paintings. The picture turned out alright I suppose.

Some water flowing down from up above

There was about 4 or 5 different paintings that looked similar to this one
There may be a fight to the death in here one day
I didn't really know where we were, but this is surely not correct
Uncle Sam? 

He looks unhappy
Someones Selfie

Very bottom of the helix
After a 10+ story climb we were close to street level. I tried to get a GPS signal, but was unable to.

Getting back out was much easier. We rode along the river for a bit till we found a better exit point. We then headed to Chipotle for a nice lunch. We then headed back to the cars to head to another tunnel. I was short on time so I had to bail. It was a fun time and I look forward to exploring some new drains in the future.